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F is doing great. She had some pretty big doubts about the church, mostly sparked for a TV show she saw, but we happened to be blessed to pass by with a member exactly when she needed to hear the testimony the member had about 7 years of doubting she did and all the blessings she thinks she lost in those years, and now she seems very full of faith that this is the path God wants her to be on :) We had 4 investigators at church yesterday and that´s the most I´ve EVER had on my mission! It was a miracle and I´m so grateful that I´ve been able to feel like I´m doing all I can to be the tool in Gods hands that he needs me to be.
Yesterday we had a lesson with A and she´s one of my investigators that had a hard time, especially with church, because she has a fear of large groups of people. . .I´m not totally sure how it came up but she started talking about how she trusts us and she said "·especialmente vos. Tienes una alma transparecida y puedo ver tu espiritu." (especially you. You have a transparent soul and I can see your spirit). She´s SUPER spiritual but it made me cry because I really do just care so much for each of these amazingly special people here. I might not be able to speak perfect and I have to repent everyday of the things I lack, but I have been feeling more and more like I am doing the work Heavenly Father needs me to do here and now. I think that's when we find the fullest joy here in this life, when we can have confidence that we are giving our all to do His work and love His children (that talk I read this morning talks about that) but it´s been a huge blessing to me to really feel that <3
I love my Heavenly Father and I love Jesus Christ and I love that I have the opportunity to help the children of Heavenly Father here and now feel of the love that He has for them :) I love you ALL so darn much!!! Have an awesome week! My sweetheart Aaron has a big surgery to go through so please keep him in your prayers, especially on Thursday!! LOVE YOU ALL!!!!
xoxoxoxo Larissa
Haha algo chistoso. . .this week my poor comp had been told by several people that she has "la cara de una niña" (the face of a girl) and it´s been making her mad. But, yesterday someone (sorta jokingly I think but idk for sure haha) asked me how old I was turning and said "40 what?" haha soooo I´m hoping all the stress and challenged of the mission haven´t aged me THAT much haha I´ll try my best to getcha a picture ASAP :)
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